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Corporate Hypocrisy
·825 words·4 mins
Thoughts Writing Capitalism
It’s everywhere
I Am Obsolete
··1443 words·7 mins
Thoughts Technology Writing Aging
I am a Dinosaur
··620 words·3 mins
Thoughts Writing
Stop the Sourdough Madness
Using Your Brain
··1718 words·9 mins
Thoughts Social Commentary Technology Writing
Puff the Magic Corporation
··1054 words·5 mins
Thoughts Writing Capitalism
Corporations are Dragons
Nothing Really Rocks
··1037 words·5 mins
Thoughts Writing Aging
Nothing Really Rocks and Nothing Really Rolls
Sci Fi
··1699 words·8 mins
Thoughts Writing
Science Fiction, where art thou?
Gen X Slacker Trash
··959 words·5 mins
Thoughts Politics Writing
··1132 words·6 mins
Thoughts Writing
Vaporlock – it’s not just for breakfast anymore
Shouting Into the Void
··623 words·3 mins
Thoughts Social Commentary Writing Social Media
Posting on Social Media is just shouting into the void